The Grace Awards 2104 Summer Book Bash in now in full swing offering exciting reads by accomplished authors. SUMMER STORMS by Rebekah Lyn Summer Storms is a story of love, loss and renovation. Thanks to the love and support of friends and a renewed commitment to her faith Elizabeth Reynolds has moved past the hurt and anger of her parents death. Her job as concierge at Hotel … [Read more...]
Go West~Chapter 23
Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Twenty Three Aldon-The train to Denver One day Molly came out of Signor's office to tell Aldon the master wanted to see him. When he opened the door, Signor Solano motioned for him to be seated. “Aldon, I have ordered a Packard Six automobile for Father Contenti and I want you to go to Denver on the train and bring it home. … [Read more...]
Go West~Chapter 22
Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Twenty Two Aldon The next morning, they led the horses down from the line cabin and got home in time to do their regular chores. Kenny put his horse away and went back to town to help his folks with their many enterprises. That night, Aldon dropped onto his cot in the loft and slept like a dog. By five a. m., he was shaved and ready … [Read more...]
Go West~Chapter 19
Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Nineteen Ellie’s Diary Continues We went into a former stall in the barn that had been made into a cubicle. I’d seen it before when I learned how to milk the cow. In the cubicle, a shelf was attached to the wall with a piece of mirror over it. I noticed right away that it was a poor, cloudy, mirror. Thinking a man like Aldon deserved … [Read more...]