Beloved, talk to me. Listen to me, and I will tell you wonderful things. Confess trespasses into other people's happiness, and I will give you a fresh start. Forgive others for their mistakes and I will bless you abundantly. To forgive is to: Lift up Bear Pardon Cover Let pass Hide Wash Purify Let go Show yourself gracious 1 John 1:9 Jeremiah 33:3 … [Read more...]
Meditation Musing~Can You Hear Me?
My child, You hear a bob-white in the bushes. You hear the song, “Just a Closer Walk With Thee.” The cat meows. You hear your husband's voice. You recall the sound of your daughter's determined footsteps. You remember your son's motorcycle revving in the driveway. Listen, dear one. Can you hear Me now? DiVoran's Promise Posters, Paintings from Go West as … [Read more...]
The Will and the Ego
Beloved, Every time you consider asking what I think, you have doubts that I have anything to say, so you often put off really asking. You may believe you have asked, but perhaps you haven't slowed down enough to really listen. You're not alone in this, but I will continue to gently guide you to a place where it is easier for you to ask, seek, and knock, than to … [Read more...]
Meditation Musing~Wisdom
DiVoran's Promise Posters, Paintings from Go West as well as other art can be purchased as note cards and framable art Creative Arts … [Read more...]