Ever since I first learned about the unconscious (or subconscious) mind in Psychology 101, I’ve been fascinated with what the mind under the mind can do. I came away with a simple concept that has worked for my whole life. I’m sure many religious people as well as scientists would find plenty to challenge but it works for me. Like a video camera, the unconscious mind records … [Read more...]
What I learned from Rebekah Lyn’s Radio Interview
Rebekah Lyn, Onisha, and Pam have been getting the word out about Rebekah’s new book, Jessie. Yesterday Rebekah Lyn and Onisha came to my house because they wanted to use a land-phone in order to give an interview for Will Wilson’s Indie Book Show. The three of us sat in the living room each watching our various timepieces and counting down to eleven a. m. when the … [Read more...]
The Hanger and the Flea
Jasmine, one of our cats, is at the vet and the other, Lily, is in Bill’s hanger with me. It’s his 12x16 foot private sanctuary. I usually don’t mess with it. I’m sitting at a one person, plastic folding table with my wireless keyboard and mouse, as well as my precious thumb drive. We have wireless in the house, but our son-in-law who helps with … [Read more...]
I’ve Been Thinking About Procrastination
I’ve been thinking about procrastination. I do it, do you? Here are a few ideas I’ve started using that seem to help a lot. If I write about my projects in my morning journal, I feel an urge to write more about them when I go to the computer. My chiropractor says that for the sake of my back and neck I should not sit at my computer for more than twenty-minutes at a … [Read more...]