Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Sixteen Aldon “All the guys seem to be down for the night, but I’m not ready to sleep, yet, are you?” Ellie asked when they got back to camp. “No, let’s play some music,” he said. “Could we play softly enough not to disturb the men?” Ellie’s brow wrinkled. “Once they prop their heads on their saddles, nothing short of a stampede could … [Read more...]
Promise Poster~Joy
DiVoran's Promise Posters, Paintings from Go West as well as other art can be purchased as note cards and framable art Creative Arts … [Read more...]
Go West~Chapter 15
Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Fifteen Aldon When supper was over and the clean up finished, Aldon decided to hike up to the beaver pond for a bath. He grabbed a bar of Molly’s homemade soap, and an old towel from his saddlebag and joined Joe and Dieter on the trail. At the pond, the men raced to see who could get into the water first. Joe had to stop … [Read more...]
Promise Poster~Delight
DiVoran's Promise Posters, Paintings from Go West as well as other art can be purchased as note cards and framable art Creative Arts … [Read more...]