Our friend Mary Harwell Sayler shared these scriptures on her blog. They are wonderful verses to read and mediatate on. Christian Poets and Writers: Bible verses to heal the church Body of Christ. … [Read more...]
I Have a Secret
I will tell you a little secret about myself. I’m a Michael Bolton fan. It’s been several years since I last had a chance to see him in concert, so when a friend called me last fall to let me know he was going to be in Jacksonville this past Friday, I was more than a little excited. The day tickets went on sale I was texting another friend to see if he wanted attend the show … [Read more...]
Exciting News
We learned some exciting news this week! Kelsay Books has contracted with our Mary Harwell Sayler for two books. Outside Eden, Bible-based poems and Beach Songs & Wood Chimes a book of poems for children. No definite date has been set as yet, but the editor has said they will be published this year. Congratulations Mary! Please click HERE for a handy link to Mary's … [Read more...]