Rebekah Lyn Books has REALLY big news to share! Our friend and featuredauthor Janet Perez Eckles was interviewed this week by the Univisionnetwork! The program is "Despierta America" (the Spanish version of "GoodMorning, America." The extensive interviewing of Janet and her family willbe featured in a 4-5 minute segment on the program. The date to beannounced. … [Read more...]
Sneek Peek Portal
Welcome to the 'sneak peek" portal for my newest novel Jessie. After nearly two years of intensive research, writing and rewriting, I am pleased to announce Jessie will be available on July 20 in honor of the 45th anniversary of the first moon landing. Pre-orders are now available at a special price of $1.99 a savings of 60% through, Barnes and Noble and … [Read more...]
Outside Eden
We have exciting news to share! Mary Harwell Sayler's new book of Bible poems Outside Eden Has just been released by Kelsay Press! Mary says "Of all my projects, this book means the most to me as it combines my two favorite subjects – the Bible and poetry." Mary Sayler’s new book of poems, Outside Eden, is filled with fervent, rounded visions of our exile and our … [Read more...]
Not Being Perfect | Regina Puckett
My friend Regina posted this on Facebook today. It touched my heart and I wanted to share it here. Not Being Perfect Regina Puckett I can dance, play drums, run fast, write or sing But the world will never know what I can bring Because I stutter, I’m too short, tall, skinny, or fat How could I show the inner me with any of that? My outside covering hides the true … [Read more...]