Western author Faith Blum read and reviewed my new release Jessie recently. She shared that the emotion in Jessie inspired her as she wrote a short story for a wrting challenge. I am excited and pleased to share her story! If you would like to read her review of Jessie clike HERE I hope you enjoy her story as much as I did. Reunion: A short story | Faith Blum. … [Read more...]
Super Easy Entry Giveaway
We have a super easy entry giveaway during the month long celebration of my new release Jessie. Since the story of Jessie is wrapped into the early days of the space program and the US race for the moon, I put together a space themed gift bag worth more than $50.00. Of course, there has to be something personal too, so I added in a very pretty necklace as well as an … [Read more...]
Jessie Blog Tour | Shanna Hatfield
Shanna Hatfield was gracious enough to be the first stop on my post launch blog tour for my new release, Jessie. Be sure to stop by and leave a comment. Who knows, you may even win an autographed copy of Jessie! Jessie Blog Tour | Shanna Hatfield. To see a list of the Jessie launch and post launch tour visit my cooking blog, Rebekah Lyn's Kitchen … [Read more...]
Moon Landing 45th Anniversary
The countdown to the forty-fifth anniversary of the Moon Landing and the release of Jessie has begun! Forty five years ago the world watched as Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins and Neil Armstrong blasted off from Kennedy Space Center with the moon as their goal. Would they be able to land, what would the moon be like? Four days later they did indeed land as the world watched … [Read more...]