Every writer needs some time to get away from the daily grind and focus on their work. I took the first week of March to escape to the mountains of North Carolina. Having the chance to soak in a bit of cooler weather was a huge bonus. I arrived on Friday night and got right to work on Saturday, managing to knock out a little under 4,000 words on Virginia, the third novel in The … [Read more...]
Friday Reads~Beautiful Wreck
Well friends, we made it. It is Friday! That means it's time to get our #FridayReads on and we have a fantastic author interview to share. A big welcome and congratulations to CeeCee James! She released the third book of her Wrecked and Yours Second Chances trilogy this week. Let's get the interview started. I enjoy reading novels that are part of a series. Tell our … [Read more...]
Release Day with Clues and a BIG Giveaway
It is always a pleasure to have talented author Faith Blum on our website. Today is extra special though as she has not only an official release day, but also a cover for her newest novel, The Solid Rock!! There's a catch, though. You can't see the cover for the novel until you've gathered all 15 clues. There's also an exciting giveaway of 10 books, well 14 if you count the box … [Read more...]
I’m Recovered but Still a Little Crazy
In 2015 I released the last two books in my Seasons of Faith series. After spending a little over four years with these characters I feel as if I am moving away from dear friends. I have a number of other stories that have been begging to be told, but that hasn’t made it any easier to move on. Spending time with Lizzie, Ian, Jeffrey, Michelle, and Stephen is comfortable. They … [Read more...]