No Other Choice: The Naomi Chronicles, Book One By Paula Rose Michelson About the Book: Naomi will be sent back! She left her family and all she held dear, traveled half way around the word while accompanying a blind, old grandmother because they promised to help her enter America and find her uncle. Instead they handed her over to immigration. What she does now, she does … [Read more...]
Brownie and the Dream
When my brother and I were children, our family had a dog that showed us what unconditional love was all about. I dreamed about him last night. The first frame of my dream showed our present day cat, Lily, twining around the legs of a medium sized brown dog. I saw the legs and then I saw the dog. It was Brownie! Immediately I felt as if I were a child again. I was so surprised … [Read more...]
Promise Painting Psalms 1:3
Would you like to share what this promise means to you? … [Read more...]
Join the Ultimate Reading Quest
WATCH THE VIDEO TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE READING QUEST. Happy New Year from all the Authors in the Ultimate Reading Quest! This year myself, and all the Quest authors, want you to enjoy your reading experiences more than ever! So in 2015, the Ultimate Reading Quest has more, more, more! More authors and more books, means more mystery, more danger, more intrigue and … [Read more...]
A Quotation from Letters to a Young Poet
Here’s a beautiful quotation from poet Ranier maria Rilke’s book, Letters to a Young Poet So rescue yourself from these general themes and write about what your everyday life offers you, describe your sorrows and desires, the thoughts that pass through your mind and your belief in some kind of beauty – describe all these with heartfelt, silent, humble sincerity and, when you … [Read more...]