Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Eighteen Ellie I have decided to start keeping a diary of the things that happen here. The latest is that Signora wants me to call her Lia. It's her Christian name and she says we are girlfriends now . Lia takes up a great deal of time that I feel should be spent doing real work to earn my pay. I am with her six or so hours every day and … [Read more...]
Promise Poster~Knock
DiVoran's Promise Posters, Paintings from Go West as well as other art can be purchased as note cards and framable art Creative Arts … [Read more...]
Go West~Chapter 17
Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Seventeen Ellie The wagon swayed as Aldon took the reins to drive the mules onto the shelf road. He and Ellie were returning home the way they had come. The only other choice they had was to pick their way over a meadow strewn with rocks and runoff channels, either dried or filled with water, and Aldon had said the obstructions were … [Read more...]
Not your ordinary cover reveal
This is not an ordinary cover reveal, it is a triple cover reveal! Check out the covers for Faith Blum's three new novellas, I Love Thee, Pass Me Not, and Redeemed. They will all be published this summer! Instead of doing three separate reveals, she chose to do one reveal for all three. To learn how these novellas came into being, check out Faith's blog post today. Read on to … [Read more...]
Promise Poster~Salt
DiVoran's Promise Posters, Paintings from Go West as well as other art can be purchased as note cards and framable art Creative Arts … [Read more...]