Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Twenty Four -Shopping in Denver Ellie Ellie couldn't help a sigh of relief at being surrounded by tall buildings and noisy traffic. She loved the mountains and the clear fresh air in the valley, but she supposed most people felt more at home in the kind of place where they grew up. Denver, she had heard, was the capitol of Colorado and … [Read more...]
Grace Awards Summer Book Bash ~ day two | Grace Awards
The Grace Awards 2104 Summer Book Bash in now in full swing offering exciting reads by accomplished authors. SUMMER STORMS by Rebekah Lyn Summer Storms is a story of love, loss and renovation. Thanks to the love and support of friends and a renewed commitment to her faith Elizabeth Reynolds has moved past the hurt and anger of her parents death. Her job as concierge at Hotel … [Read more...]
Meditation Musing~Maturity
Go West~Chapter 23
Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Twenty Three Aldon-The train to Denver One day Molly came out of Signor's office to tell Aldon the master wanted to see him. When he opened the door, Signor Solano motioned for him to be seated. “Aldon, I have ordered a Packard Six automobile for Father Contenti and I want you to go to Denver on the train and bring it home. … [Read more...]
Beloved, I am Christ the Redeemer. I have asked the father to send you a comforter, counselor, helper, intercessor, and advocate. He is Holy Spirit and He lives in you. He will teach you everything you need to know. Stay in constant touch with him. Together He and you will demonstrate the presence of Father God. Stay alert, listen and act with His help. The two of you … [Read more...]