Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter thirty-four Ellie In her room at the ranch, Ellie picked up the hog’s-hair brush from her dressing table, yanked it through her hair one hundred times, and threw it back on the table. Maybe I should go out to the barn and try to make Aldon understand how I feel, she thought. She dug her fingers into a jar of cold … [Read more...]
Meditation Musing~Ember
Beloved, Do you know what I am asking of you? I am asking you to be a loving person, compassionate and humble, even to yourself. Let me helpand your days will be filled with the peace that passes understanding. Don’t think you always know best. Your thoughts are not my thoughts, nor are your ways my ways. Don’t think your main job is to criticize and correct others. … [Read more...]
Go West~Chapter 33
Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Thirty Three Letter to Bill continued. Brother, this is a long letter, but I thought I’d work on it when I had time then I could put it all in one envelope and save on postage. I’ll tell you about the dance. Once the band got going, every uncle and male cousin asked Ellie to dance. Believe me, she learned fast to keep her feet out of the … [Read more...]
Don’t Miss this Fall Into Reading Sale
Happy fall! Can you believe it's fall already? I know I can't. Here in Florida, this summer seems to go on and on. As my northern friends (anyone north of Jacksonville, Florida) batten the hatches and prepare for winter, I'm still wearing flip-flops. About now, I think some chilly weather, a nice warm fire and the perfect book would be fantastic. If you are looking for the … [Read more...]
Meditation Musing~There is a River
My dear student, You ask me why you sometimes feel you do not measure up. You read the Bible and you love it, but so often you come across "convicting" passages that tell you how much more and how much better you could be doing. It feels to you as if you have spent your life reaching for acceptance. Sometimes in the Christian community you are urged to win more souls, … [Read more...]