Beginning Friday, October 30, 2015 we will serving up a banquet of Christmas Novels. Stop by every Friday! I love Christmas novels and I am looking forward to not only discovering new authors but learning what inspired them to write a Christmas novel. … [Read more...]
Meditation Musing~No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus
John 15:1 Beloved Mortal Scribe: DiVoran Are you still trying to please other people? It’s all right if you’re taking into account their problems, trials, and tribulations and helping where I say to help. If measuring up to their expectations, however, is your major goal, I have a surprise for you! Here it is; I didn’t put you on this earth … [Read more...]
An Interview, A Puzzle and a Prize
UPDATE Due to an error in the original blog posts about Faith's cover reveal, the entry for the giveaway has been extended more than one full day! You have until noon Central time on Friday, October 16th to enter the giveaway. If you tried to email the cover before, please do so again, this time with the following, CORRECT email address:[at] Thank … [Read more...]
Go West~Chapter 35
Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Thirty-five Ellie “Where were you born? “ Ellie sat with her back against the head of the bed while Nancy lay flat. “My people came from Germany in 1876 and built this ranch,” said Nancy, so I was born on a neighboring ranch. “My mother and her sister were born here in Colorado, but the stork dropped me in Chicago.” Ellie settled in for a … [Read more...]
Meditation Musing~Stars
Beloved, I place you in peoples lives when you need them and they need you. Few relationships, no matter how intense at the beginning, last the rest of your life as many marriages and real friends do. When your world meshes with someone else's and the work I had in mind gets accomplished, the relationship can go into storage for years or perhaps forever. This is especially … [Read more...]