Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Thirty-Eight Ellie and Vera “I don’t think you will understand about your father, but you’re right, it’s time you knew. I’ll start with my family. Dad was a miner from Wales, and mother was a farm girl he met and married on his way to Colorado. He heard they needed miners in Rockridge, which is high up in the mountains. I was born there in … [Read more...]
A Christmas Banquet~A Mountain Man’s Redemption
Today marks the kick-off of our Christmas Banquet! We only have 56 days to feast before the big day arrives so let's get started! A Mountain Man's Redemption by Christi Corbett. Christi, tell us why you chose to set your book during the Christmas season. Christi Corbett: A Mountain Man’s Redemption takes place the week before Christmas, 1886. Hannah is … [Read more...]
My Latest Crave
I’ve always been curious about the world. Part of the reason I read so much as a child was because I wanted to experience far away places and understand our history. As a writer, I spend a good amount of time doing research. I like to learn as much as possible about whatever subject I’m writing about. Recently, though, reading doesn’t feel like enough. I want to experience … [Read more...]
Go West~Chapter 37
Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Thirty-Seven Family Comes to Visit Ellie It was almost the end of summer -- round-up time when Ellie drove to the station to meet her mother and grandparents off the Chicago train. The mountains, as yet, had no snow on them, but she knew from the talk around the table that Aldon was planning to bring the cattle down this … [Read more...]
Go West~Chapter 36
Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Thirty-Six More Nancy and Ellie Nancy’s voice had become full of controlled groans and sighs. She sounded so burdened with the memory of her husband’s death that Ellie didn’t know what to say. “Aldon was still gone, Bill had left for California, so I woke Molly who was living with us and she saddled Ribbons and rode for help. While she was … [Read more...]