Dear pal, You were sitting in church yesterday listening to all the wonderful activities offered and thinking maybe you needed something more at this time of your life. You and Bill have kept a marriage going for fifty-eight years, you have made a living and kept a home. You have successfully reared two children and been a part of the lives of two … [Read more...]
Go West~Chapter 44
Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Forty Four Aldon Now that they were home from round-up, it was time for Signora Solano’s musicale. While the ladies primped, Aldon asked Ellie’s grandfather to help take the dining room and kitchen chairs into the big front parlor. Seraphina, who had been roaming the house looking for something to do, asked if she, and the kitten she … [Read more...]
A Christmas Banquet~The More the Merrier
Only 14 days until Christmas. On the menu this week is The More the Merrier (Seasons of Love, #1) by Liwen Y. Ho What inspired you to write a Christmas Story? I originally wrote this story as a submission for a Christmas-themed anthology that unfortunately didn’t pan out. Fortunately for me, I fell in love with the characters of Alyssa and Barry so much that I decided to … [Read more...]
Meditation Musing~Fear Not for I Have Redeemed Thee
Beloved child of mine, Good morning. I know you. You are capable, you are wise, you are honorable, and all because of the Spirit of my son, Jesus. I love you so much I’m bursting with it. I’m standing by to help and comfort you. It is sometimes so hard for you to believe I truly do care about every small detail of your day, but I do. I’m not as interested in your … [Read more...]
Go West~Chapter 43
Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Forty Three Aldon The trip down the mountain was easy until they got into a sloping meadow where the herd fanned out. There, without warning two horsemen came over a rise yelling and shooting their side-arms. The Herefords took off in a stampede, leaving no time to go after the hecklers. Riding fast on both sides of the herd, the … [Read more...]