Go West Chapter by DiVoran Lites Chapter forty nine Ellie Leaving the horses at the bottom of the trail, Ellie and Lia hurried toward the waterfall. When they turned the corner, they were surprised to see two figures standing at the edge of the pond with their backs to them. The tall one wore a ratty looking stove-pipe hat with greasy black hair flowing over his … [Read more...]
Meditation Musing~Come Home
Seeking: Father God, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, I hunger and thirst for familiarity with you. Finding: My Beloved Child, Come home. I smooth your path by removing the rocks, grading the gravel, and filling the ruts. I take down gates that block your way to Me. I open trails so that you may experience the good things I have laid out for you along the way. I give you peace. … [Read more...]
Go West~Chapter 48
Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Forty Eight Aldon “When he heard that his old friend, Aldon, hadn’t eaten since supper the night before, the sheriff, Phil Oates, said, “Let’s get you some breakfast. I won’t ask you up to the apartment. Lily is feeding the kids, and company gets them too excited. Besides, today is wash day. Anyhow, she’d like to see you, but let’s give her … [Read more...]
Meditation Musing~A Great Light
Beloved, Look what is happening! A great delight has come into your life. Once you lived in a shadowed land. Now you have a light to guide you. You have a right to ask for help. You have the amazing counselor, the one and only God, the loving Father, the Prince of Peace, the host of wholeness living inside of you. Angel armies hover all around taking care of you. You no longer … [Read more...]
Go West~Chapter 47
Go West By DiVoran Lites Chapter Forty Seven Ellie The day after the musicale, Ellie went to the kitchen to help Molly with breakfast. She had awakened late and missed coffee with Aldon. “Where is Aldon?” she asked Molly, who was scrubbing the top of the Acme stove with great fervor. “I haven’t seen him this morning. Chief is gone, so I suppose he’s gone, too.” Molly … [Read more...]