I am excited to be part of this blog tour for a new Christian Western! Faith Blum joins us today to talk about her new release, The Solid Rock. It is about a talented detective with a mission to find his kidnapped colleague who finds himself working undercover with a heinous outlaw who has more plans than first meet the eye. About the Book Joshua woke with a quiet groan. As … [Read more...]
Friday Reads~Drawn to You
This week's installment of Friday Reads is brought to you by Liwen Ho, author of the Taking Chances Series. Liwen Y. Ho works as a chauffeur and referee by day (AKA being a stay at home mom) and a writer by night. In her pre-author life, she received a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Western Seminary, and she loves makeovers of all kinds, especially those … [Read more...]
Every Writer Needs a Break
Every writer needs some time to get away from the daily grind and focus on their work. I took the first week of March to escape to the mountains of North Carolina. Having the chance to soak in a bit of cooler weather was a huge bonus. I arrived on Friday night and got right to work on Saturday, managing to knock out a little under 4,000 words on Virginia, the third novel in The … [Read more...]
Friday Reads~Beautiful Wreck
Well friends, we made it. It is Friday! That means it's time to get our #FridayReads on and we have a fantastic author interview to share. A big welcome and congratulations to CeeCee James! She released the third book of her Wrecked and Yours Second Chances trilogy this week. Let's get the interview started. I enjoy reading novels that are part of a series. Tell our … [Read more...]
Go West~The final chapter
Go West by DiVoran Lites Chapter Fifty Seven The Final Chapter Ellie After supper, Ellie changed into work shoes so she could help clean the kitchen. She then walked out the back door to breathe some cool air. The moon spread its light over the fence, the barn, and the mountains. She should have been exhausted after all the excitement of the past few days, but at first, … [Read more...]