Christmas is my favorite time of the year for reading. The stories are filled with hope, joy and often romance. Last year I enjoyed reading Noelle's Golden Christmas by Tamie Dearen, (You can read me review here) so when I learned she was releasing another Christmas novel, I jumped at the chance to share it with you. This Christmas, Haley Martin may … [Read more...]
Recently, I was privileged to bring a message of inspiration to a Hispanic congregation. At the moment when I shared that my vision had closed in completely, as planned, a person turned off all the lights. In chorus, the church gasped. As I spoke with some attendees, the most prevalent comment was this: “We couldn’t wait for the lights to come back on. It … [Read more...]
Florida Fall, Does it Exist?
As a native Floridian I’ve always felt I’ve missed out on the autumn season. The fabulous colors of the trees before they go dormant for the winter, the drop in temperatures that make Fall festivals cozy and inviting, the ritual of putting away summer clothes and airing out the winter wardrobe, are not things we experience in Florida. I admit there are some trees that change … [Read more...]
A Hurricane Tale
It’s been a week since Hurricane Matthew battered the Florida coast. Piles of broken branches and fallen trees still line the streets and mangled roofs can still be seen in many neighborhoods. As a Florida native, I’ve dealt with many hurricanes in my life. My memories of that first storm couldn’t be corroborated by parents so I may have them confused with an exceptionally bad … [Read more...]
You Won’t Believe This
You won’t believe what happened this week over sixty years ago. My Mom was in labor in La Paz, Bolivia and Gene, my hubby’s Mom was also in labor but in St. Louis Missouri. Both moms gave birth. Gene was born 12 hours before me. And how could a girl born in the Andes and a boy born at the shores of the Mississippi River meet and end up married 40 years? I think it’s … [Read more...]