I am a huge fan space exploration, Star Wars movies and of course Star Trek. The premise of this book has an interesting twist. I hope you enjoy it and I encourage you to enter the Rafflecopter at the end of the page for a chance to win a signed paperback copy of Gestern. About the Book You never escape your past Andi Lloyd is more comfortable than most … [Read more...]
Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord
We are Hosting One of our Own~DiVoran Lites and Go West
We always enjoy hosting authors here on Rebekah Lyn Books but today is special because we are hosting one of our own, DiVoran Lites! If you are a subscriber, you may have read parts of Go West as she published a weekly chapter on the website. Now she has polished it up, sent the manuscript to the editor and finally it is available on Amazon. Onisha, our … [Read more...]
The Fourth of July
To celebrate the Fourth of July, I decided to share an excerpt from my new novel, “Go WestGo West.” This chapter is written in Aldon's voice as he writes to his brother in "Hollywood Land." Go west 32 The Fourth of July By DiVoran Bowers Lites Aldon The town council voted to spend a lot of money on pyrotechnics this year. About dusk, we workers … [Read more...]
Can You Relate?
So how many gadgets do hubby and I get and, with excitement have intentions to use faithfully? And to our chagrin, it doesn’t happen. Months later we end up selling them on Craig’s list. For now, it’s an exercise bike and a rebounder. They were great at first…but now, well, you know. So, we try to ease the guilt, thinking that someone is getting a great deal when they … [Read more...]