I place you in peoples lives when you need them and they need you.
Few relationships, no matter how intense at the beginning, last the rest of your life as many marriages and real friends do.
When your world meshes with someone else’s and the work I had in mind gets accomplished, the relationship can go into storage for years or perhaps forever.
This is especially true of the children and young people you know. My wisdom through you may be needed in the forming of certain stages of their character but you will not always be responsible for them, and they do not need to thank you forever. No one can completely fulfill you except Me. Each time you sincerely let go of a person, you get a diamond star of peace and satisfaction for your crown.
The important thing is to see others fully capable of making their own good decisions. One decision, for them and for you, and the most important one, is to love Me and commune with Me.
I’ve been learning to tune in to what my Heavenly Father has to say to me. I find it so comforting and enlightening.