We are happy to welcome author Faith Blum once again to Rebekah Lyn Books. Faith is a 24 year old home school graduate who enjoys doing many right-brained activities such as reading, crafting, writing, and playing piano. Her favorite genre to read and write is Historical Fiction, more specifically, Westerns. In the Hymns of the West series, she has endeavored to create clean, fun, and challenging Western stories for the whole family. She currently has three novels and Onisha invited her today to talk about the series of novellas she has begun writing.
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Good morning! I’m excited to be here today. I’ve been asked to talk about writing novellas particularly in four different areas:
1. Why do you write novellas?
2. Pros and cons of novellas
3 Easier to market or more difficult
4. Character development in a novella
I’ll start with the first one. The reason I wrote these three novellas and plan to write at least six more, is because I fell in love with some of the minor characters in one of my novels and couldn’t let them go without telling their stories.
In Amazing Grace, I wrote three mail order bride advertisements. The first one was for the heroine of my story. The other two were not mentioned besides in their advertisements. The heroine of the novel wrote back to two men, the hero and Cole Baxter. After writing a scene with Cole Baxter, I couldn’t just leave him there. I had to add more to his story. So, I wrote I Love Thee. Then I got an idea for the other two mail order brides who advertised.
I have ideas for six novellas that will go with my next two novellas, three for each. So, I guess my short answer would be: because I couldn’t leave these minor characters alone and needed to tell their stories.
Pros and cons of novellas
• They are faster to write, edit, and publish
• Readers seem to like shorter stories to read
• They are harder to market
• It is harder to create a complete story
Easier to market or more difficult
I guess I kind of already answered this question. They are harder to market. Most advertising places don’t advertise novellas unless they are part of a boxed set. The good thing is that there are a few places that take them.
Character development in a novella
Character development is hard in a story of any length. In a novella, the development is just slightly more condensed. It’s challenging, but it can be done. It can be fun, too. I honestly can’t tell you who my favorite characters are in each of the novellas. They all have things I like so much about them.
Cole is uncertain, but kind. Overwhelmed, but full of ideas. Charming, witty, hardworking, spontaneous, and loves God above all else. Rhoda is strong-willed, sweet, opinionated, devoted follower of God, and not afraid to take on a challenge. Like baking bread with four children ages 2-8. The children are all super cute and were fun to write as well.
Timothy is gentle, kind, slightly short-tempered, loving, and a devoted believer in God. Abigail is motherly, self-conscious, willing to do anything, and firmly follows God. Louise is an exact replica of her Irish father only more feminine. She is difficult, has a quick temper, is rebellious, hard working, and usually willing to make sacrifices for her brother. Tessa is only five, but she knows right from wrong and tries to obey her older sister.
Alex. If I had to pick a favorite character of all the male characters in my three novellas, I think I would pick Alexander Granger. He’s the spoiled son of a rich rancher who doesn’t like being told what to do. He’s arrogant, self-serving, and hard to deal with. And yet, behind all of that hides a kind, generous, hard-working spirit. Mona is determined to rise above her station and live a life of luxury. When circumstances change, she proves that she can adapt easily and is hard-working and thoughtful.
I hope you have enjoyed finding out how I write novellas, why, and how I market so far.
Feel free to ask any other questions you may have. Who knows? I may even make it into a blog post someday.
Faith has a fun giveaway!
The first prize winner will receive:
~A paperback of the novel that started the novellas, Amazing Grace (or novel of choice)
~One handpainted bookmark (painted by the author’s sister)
~A silver pen nib bookmark
The second prize winner will receive:
~An ebook copy of Amazing Grace (or ebook of choice by Faith Blum)
~Two handpainted bookmarks (painted by the author’s sister)
Good News!
From August 24-28 only, I Love Thee will be free!
Also on sale during the blog tour are A Mighty Fortress which will be$0.99 from August 23-30 and Be Thou My Vision which will be $0.99 from August 30-September 6.
This is going to be a busy week for Faith.
Be sure to check out the other stops on her blog tour.
Monday, August 24
- Tour Intro at Writings, Ramblings, and Reflections
- Spotlights and Guest Post at Rebekah Lyn Books – Writing novellas
- Review of Pass Me Not at The Overactive Imagination
- Spotlights at Rise, Write, Shine!
Tuesday, August 25
- Spotlights at River of Stones
- Review of Redeemed of Wildflower Acres
- Author Interview at Jaye L. Knight
- Review of Pass Me Not at Hello Precious Bliss
Wednesday, August 26-RELEASE DAY!
- Review of Pass Me Not and Author Interview at Laura Whiskens
- Spotlight and Character Interview (Rhoda) at Shannon Pemrick
- Spotlights at God’s Peculiar Treasure Rae
- Release Day announcement with excerpt from Amazing Grace at Writings, Ramblings, and Reflections
Thursday, August 27
- Review of Pass Me Not at Melanie Snitker, author
- Author Interview at Marianne Sciucco
- Review of Redeemed at With a Joyful Noise
- Review of I Love Thee at Hello Precious Bliss
Friday, August 28
- Review of I Love Thee at Laura Whiskens
- Review of Pass Me Not at Wildflower Acres
- Spotlights at Tialla’s Tellings
- Sneak Peeks at Writings, Ramblings, and Reflections
Saturday, August 29
- Review of I Love Thee and character interview at Flights from the Aerie
- Spotlights and Guest Post at Franky Brown
- Review of Redeemed at Hello Precious Bliss
- Reviews of Pass Me Not and I Love Thee at With a Joyful Noise
Sunday, August 30
- Review of Redeemed at Laura Whiskens
- Review of Pass Me Not and Author Interview at Flights from the Aerie
- Spotlights at Samantha Fury Novels
- Sneak Peeks at Writings, Ramblings, and Reflections
Monday, August 31
- Blog Tour Wrap-up and Giveaway winners at Writings, Ramblings, and Reflections
Dear Faith, I really enjoyed your interview with Onisha. You are taking the lead in a new order of things. I can see why people would like novellas, because as you said they are short to read. I’ve been writing serials and enjoying that too. The days of the short (and long) are here! In my opinion, too, Westerns are the best in fiction. I love the mountains and I’m very fond of horses, and of course young lovers are the best!too.
Thank you, DiVoran! We sound a lot alike. 🙂
Thank you for hosting me today!
Nice to meet you Faith! I love Mail Order Bride books. Looking forward to reading your books. Thank you
Thank you! I hope you enjoy reading them. 😀 You’re welcome!