I’ve never had a green thumb but over the past couple of years I developed a real yearning to garden. If you’ve been following Rebekah Lyn’s Kitchen you will know that last year I planted a couple of tomatoes and an assortment of herbs. Both did pretty well, although I did loose my Basil and Lemon Verbena.
Over the winter, my dad and I put in a lovely patio and storage shed, which I have accented with a Plumeria tree, some Batchelor’s Button, Amaryllis, a Gardenia bush, and a couple of flowering plants my mom brings down from North Carolina every winter, then leaves with me. I have tomatoes again, this year I did one Heirloom and one Roma plant, I also added green beans, a zucchini and a squash plant. My real pride and joy right now, though, is my lemon tree. I’m having some challenges with my Gardenia bush and a few concerns arose with me lemon tree this week, but it’s all a learning process and I am enjoying it. I try to spend at least a few minutes each night on the patio when I get home from work. I love seeing what’s new in the garden, smelling all of the relaxing scents. Tonight it is pouring down rain and I know that tomorrow, new growth will delight me when I get my time on the patio.
A few weeks ago while trimming the chives, I discovered a bird had built a nest inside of the chives. It held four tiny eggs. Today they hatched!
I have some exciting news! Summer Storms will be on sale June 6-9 for only 99 eents. You can read about it and watch the video trailer here
I would love to hear your stories about gardening, especially if you have any tips. I am new at this!