Today is launch day for Rebekah Lyn Books and we are so thrilled to be launching our new website that was on having a KICK- Off SALE! You can pick up Sacred Spring by DiVoran Lites and Julianne by Rebekah Lyn, each for only 99 cents!
Julianne is an all too familiar story of a young college graduate unable to obtain the dream job in her field of study. To complicate matters she has a wildly successful brother urging her to join him in his business. The theme is self-esteem and knowing where it truly comes from. Each of my stories embrace a scripture. For Juliane the scripture is Galatians 5:13.
Sacred Spring by DiVoran Lites
From a reader of Sacred Spring: “I loved these words so much, I posted them on FB just to show them off. I could picture and feel every word.”
“Rays of sunlight penetrated the azure water, fracturing it into golden-rimmed squares of teal that undulated on the sandy bottom. She looked up to check on the eagles and there they were, enjoying a thermal above the tall trees. The leaves on the oaks were every conceivable color of green interspersed with red maple buds and silvery moss; they made a picture any artist would love to paint. If she ever prayed, it was to thank God for placing her here and to beg him to let her stay for as long as she lived.”